Monday, December 28, 2009

The Three Days of Christmas

Our Christmas celebrations started on Christmas Eve. We visited with Clarence's mother Christmas Eve morning. Then, Christmas Eve night we visited Nana and Pops Miller at their house. Not everyone was able to be there when we were there, but the boys still had a great time playing with their cousins, Jaylen and Camden.
At Granny Judy's House

Yes, Alex is wearing a Bumblebee (from Transformers) costume

Little Santa - aka Camden

Jaylen looking at the Curious George book he got for Christmas

Me and Jaylen
Christmas Day started with the boys opening their gifts from Santa and from Clarence and Me. By the time they were finished, our house was starting to look like a toy store. After we finished at home we went over to my parents' house where the boys opened more gifts. We made it there just in time to see my Godmother before she went to spend Christmas with her family. Isaac got to open a lot of presents at my parents house, but he received a big present this year... a brand new bicycle! It's too bad the weather has been too cold for him to want to stay outside very long to ride it. After we finished at my parents' house, we made one more stop. We finished the day with a visit to Clarence's Aunt and Uncle's house. The boys opened more gifts there, and Alex got his big present of the year...also a brand new bicycle! He was so excited too, but still has not been able to ride it for very long yet.

Isaac opening the Maxus Dragonoid that Santa brought. This was one of the main things Isaac wanted for Christmas.

Alex was so excited to see what Santa put in his bag

Clarence with his new coat and Chicago Bears hat

Granddaddy decided he wanted to wear Isaac's hat too

Isaac opening part of their GeoTrax set

Alex opening another part of the GeoTrax set

Then our Three Days of Christmas wrapped up on Saturday with a visit with my father's side of the family. We all gathered at my cousin Donna's house, and it was nice to see everyone. My Aunt Shirley wasn't there this year, and I really missed her. She was in a motorcycle accident a few months back and hasn't completely recovered yet. Isaac and Alex got a few more presents, and the adults played a friendly game of Dirty Santa.

Katie opening the cooler with an ipod charger...

Alex was sitting at my feet playing with his toys, so I couldn't resist taking a picture
It's such a fun time of year! I love seeing my boys' faces light up when they open all their gifts. It's too bad this season only comes once a year!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Clarence and I finished my long weekend with the Zac Brown Band Concert last night at the Ryman Auditorium. Check back for pictures of that awesome show! A HUGE thank you to my parents for giving us the tickets to the ZBB concert for Christmas! We had so much fun!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here and There

There has been a lot going on the last several days. During the last week of school before Christmas, Isaac had a Christmas party and program at school. My parents and I visited Isaac at school that day, and Isaac's class along with the other 1st grade classes did a great job.

This past weekend we visited with our friends Kelli and Steve and their boys before Kelli started on her long trek to Florida for Christmas. The boys had a great time playing and almost tore her toy room apart! :)

To help celebrate Grampy's birthday, Anna's birthday, Michelle's birthday, and Christmas, we met up with Grammy, Grampy, Sandi, William, Lucas, Anna and Michelle at Chuck E Cheese. The boys had a great time playing, opening presents and eating cake!

We also put together a gingerbread house with the boys this weekend. It turned out much better this year than last!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, I turned 30 on Friday, Woo hoo! :) I had a great weekend of celebrating! On Friday night, Clarence, the boys, and I had dinner with my parents, his Aunt and Uncle and cousins. After dinner we went back to my parents' house for cake. It was great! Then, last night Clarence and I went out, without our boys, with friends to celebrate. A great time was had by all!!! Here are some pictures from the night. I don't have pictures from Friday night yet, because I didn't have our camera, and I haven't gotten the pictures my mother took yet.

Kelli and I at my house before dinner

Kelli, Heather and I before dinner

My honey and Me

My girls!

I'm not sure what we were doing, but we sure were having fun!

Reigen and Ken

Kelli and Steve

I love these girls!

Thank you all for making the trek out to our side of town for dinner! I am so thankful for all of you!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Is In the Air

Saturday we took the boys to see the Charlie Brown Ice! display at Opryland. Here are a few pictures of our trip. The boys had a great time, but man, was it cold! :)

Isaac waiting in line

Alex waiting in line

Isaac and Alex (and Lucas who wasn't looking at the camera...)

Oh look! It's Isaac! No wait, what's his name? (For those who know Isaac, he has sucked his thumb since birth... we're still trying to break that habit!)


After the Ice! exhibit, Grammy and Grampy Miller took the boys so Clarence and I could walk around the Opryland Hotel with Clarence's friend from school and his wife. Here are my favorites of the many pictures I took.

Such a beautiful hotel!

A funny looking elf that I just had to take a picture of!

An amazing nativity scene

Monday, December 7, 2009

In the Christmas Spirit

Here are a couple of pictures we took this weekend. I liked them so much that I had some printed to include in our Christmas cards! More pictures of our weekend to come!

Isaac was reading the night before Christmas to Alex. So sweet!


Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Heavy Heart

Today's news about family and a friend is heart breaking. I received news about a sick young family member and the life changing event regarding a high school friend. As I reflect on what I have learned today, I am very thankful and humbled. I am so thankful to have two healthy boys and a loving, supportive husband and family. I can not imagine the pain and struggle that friends and family are feeling tonight. For anyone that reads my blog, please remember to count your blessings and tell everyone who is important to you how you feel about them.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Family Pictures

Today we had pictures made of the boys at Portrait Innovations, and here are a few of the best ones.

More pictures to come soon! Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Counting the days

Well, today is November 24th! That means Christmas Eve is exactly one month from today! My precious little Alex and Isaac have been asking me every day since about a week ago when we are going to put up the Christmas tree. I have been begging Clarence to get it down from the attic, but, sadly, he is a Scrooge until after Thanksgiving. So, he says he will get it down for us tomorrow so we can put it up on Thursday. Thursday may be Thanksgiving, but it will also be the official start of Christmas at the Miller house! After the tree is up and the house decorated, I only have a few more items to purchase and then everything to wrap! But, I enjoy wrapping gifts! Sadly, I can't leave them under the tree because some little boy (Alex...) thinks every gift is for him, so he opens them. :) So, since I can't put my tree up yet... here's a picture of one that will just have to do for now.

Wishing for a White Christmas...

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just having fun!

Last night my girls Kelli and Heather and I went to see New Moon. Man, did we have fun! We started the night with lemon drops and pizza and then headed to the movie theatre. It was a packed house, but oh so fun listening to all the little tweens and teens ooh and ahh at the sight of Jacob and Edward. After the movie we hit up the bar at Ruby Tuesday for a couple more drinks and some chips and queso and salsa. Kelli and I took full advantage of a night out without our children. A good time was had by all! A big thanks to Heather for driving us. So sorry Kelli broke your seat! :) Here are some bad phone pix.

A good one of Kelli

An ok one of me

A good one of Heather

Kelli and I before we left

This afternoon we took the boys to the park and here are my two favorite pictures.