In our household, we are currently counting down the days... Counting down the days to the end of Isaac's 1st grade school year, to Alex's last day of school before our vacation, and I'm most definitely counting down my work days before we leave for vacation!
Isaac's first grade year began on a nervous note for me. He was starting a new school with all new people and teachers. I wasn't sure how he would react since his first two years of school were at a different school. But, he adjusted well and has had a great year! I am so proud of him and how well he has done. He has learned a lot and made many new friends. I am impressed with the quality of Isaac's teachers and the level of interaction I have been able to have with his home room teacher. She has been very reassuring and encouraging in light of all the things we went through with Isaac's teachers last year. I look forward to seeing how much he matures over the summer and seeing what next year has in store for Isaac.
Alex's first year of preschool is also coming to an end. He started preschool in January and is also doing a great job. We recently received his 'evaluation' from his teachers. I want to share a couple of the teachers' comments with you as they are definitely ones that make a Momma proud!
'Alex likes to interact with other children. He enjoys going to all of the centers in the classroom. He is very creative while playing in centers for example using blocks to make a guitar and leading his friends in a song.'
'Alex is well liked by his friends and teachers. He has a good imagination and likes to role play with his friends. He is a joy to have in class!'
In August, Alex will transition from the 'Owls' class to the 'Eagles' class. This will be the last step before he starts Kindergarten. I am looking forward to seeing how much Alex grows next year and how much he learns. But, over the summer he will be enjoying a 'summer camp' environment at school with camps focused on science, math, etc., and he will get to take field trips.
As I mentioned in a previous post, we are all really excited about going to the beach next week! Alex is so excited about it that he asks me every day when I pick him up from school if 'we going to the beach tomorrow'. I sadly have to tell him, 'No, not tomorrow. Just a few more days.' I also have to remind Isaac every morning that there a just a few more days of school and before we leave for the beach, and he gets a big smile on his face every time!
Until next time... Here is a picture of some of Isaac's work hanging in the hallway at school.