Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's been a while...

I know it has been a while since my last post. Nothing really exciting has been happening around here. Since Isaac returned to school after Christmas break they have been focusing on safety, and he has learned his address, his parents' names, and we're still working on his phone number. We are so proud that he is learning so much!

Alex is doing really well too. He is starting to talk more and his new favorite word is "awesome". It's so funny! I think he is saying at least one new word every day. This time in his development is so amazing!

Here are a couple of pictures that we have taken in the last month or so.
Alex and his messy ketchup chocolate face
Isaac and his "cheese" face

My sleeping angels

This is what happened when I didn't open the Honey Buns quickly enough...

Isaac watching TV - I'm not sure how he could tell what he was watching...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

That picture of them sleeping is absolutely adorable!!! They are getting so big!