Sunday, July 17, 2011

Brothers, Cousins and Sunshine

After my adventures in cleaning out the house, I had two bags of clothes to send to Goodwill, and our house is now a little more organized.  There is still more work to be done, but it will have to wait for another day.

Toward the end of last week, I took the boys out to Milestone to spend some time with Clarence's boss's boys, Cody and Eli.  They had a great time riding their bikes, the fourwheeler, and the Ranger.

Then, on Friday, the boys and I went to Nashville Shores with Nana, Jay and Camden.  We met up with Nana's friend and her grandchildren.  Isaac had a great time with Jay and Nana's friend's granddaughter.  They were so cute together!

Here are some pictures from our week.  It's back to work tomorrow.  I enjoyed the time with my boys this week, but I will be glad to go back to work tomorrow.
Alex riding his fourwheeler at Milestone

Isaac riding his bike at Milestone

Alex at Nashville Shores

Isaac, Alex and Camden at Nashville Shores

Isaac and Jay

Isaac trying to make it across

He never let go

He made it!

Sunkissed and watching a DVD together

1 comment:

Denise said...

Great pictures....looks like the boys are having a great summer!!