Friday, June 7, 2013

hlm - 35 weeks and other stuff

Spring has come for sure and my lilies are starting to bloom.

CM bought this lily when Isaac was born.  It has really multiplied over the past ten years!
He bought this one when Alex was born, so it's close to seven years old.  It hasn't multiplied quite as much yet.

My mother and I have gone to CMA Fest several times over the years.  But, this is our first year to have tickets for all four nights.  Last night was our first night, and the Fest ends on Sunday. 

Momma and Me and HLM at 35 weeks

The view from our seats

Size of HLM:

Total Weight Gain:

3 lbs since last appointment, 16 pounds total

Maternity Clothes:

Most of the time.  Still some non-maternity shirts and casual pants.




She still moves all the time, but more stretches and rolls than anything.

What I Miss:

Nothing. :)


Still anything frozen: Frozen Lemonade, Frozen Coke, Slushes from Sonic


Still significant swelling in my hands, ankles and feet.  Pretty bad carpal tunnel in both hands now.

Best Moment of the Week:

Receiving a gift of more cute clothes for her.

What I'm Looking Forward To:

Putting her travel system and playard together and installing the car seat bases.

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