Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting Ready for Back to School

 This weekend we took the boys to get new shoes for school.  They love new shoes so much that they never want to take them off.  This time I wouldn't let them wear them to bed, but I did let them put them in the beds with them.  My boys are so silly!

Alex sleeping with his shoes

Alex's new shoes

Isaac sleeping with his shoes

Isaac's new shoes
 Today was Alex's Kindergarten Orientation.  He was so excited this morning until it was time to go to the classroom with the other children that were there this morning.  Then, he had to have a teacher walk with him to the classroom.  After he was finished, and the parent meeting was over, he was very excited to tell me all about what they did.  He said he is not going to be upset when he goes back to school next Thursday for his first day.  We shall see!  I hope he's right.  Otherwise, the first day of school is going to be a hard one for this Mommy.  I can be excited right along with them, but when they get upset, so do I.  I'm sure Isaac will do fine since he's a 3rd grader now.

so excited, just waiting in the hallway

full length to show his new shoes :)

Afterwards, going to the babysitter's house  He wrote his name on his name tag. :)

1 comment:

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

That is so funny about the shoes, and oh so cute!! One of mine is wearing his around the house to 'break them in' right this very second!! Nice to see boys get excited about stuff like that. I really like your photo background too!