This weekend C took a car to another car show for work. They ended up winning two more awards this weekend. Way to go Milestone! While C was at the car show, the boys and I went to watch the boys' cousin, Donevyn's football game. Isaac and Alex have been saying that they want to play football, so I wanted them to see what it is really like. It was hot on Saturday. A perfect example for Isaac for what it would be like. Since he was hot just standing there watching Donevyn, he decided that maybe he's not ready to play football yet. After the football game, we took the boys to Nana and Pop's house to swim. That was about the only good thing to do when it's hot!
Then on Sunday, the boys were invited to spend more time with their cousins at Chuck E Cheese. So, C and I took the boys up there for a little while and then when back to get them when Nana was ready to go home. I think they had a good time. Nana said they ate good and spent all the tokens. In the meantime, C and I got to go to the grocery store alone. Oh how much easier and peaceful it was without children! :)
Today started the second full week of school for the boys. Everything is going really well so far. The boys are doing great in school and still behaving. I hope it lasts all year! Alex made Friday a little more lively when he decided that he was going to run from the school bus when it came. You should have seen me running down the sidewalk chasing after him! When everyone asked him why he ran, he said he just didn't want to go to school. Oh dear... He has sooo many years of school ahead of him. He needs to get over not wanting to go to school now, or the next 16 years are going to be long ones! Any way, he finally did get on the bus, after one of our neighbors helped me get him on there. I asked the bus driver to ask Isaac to come to the front of the bus and walk him back to a seat. He was such a good big brother!
Here are some pictures of our weekend. This week the boys and I go back for our 6 month dental check ups, and I hope everything goes well!
Parris, Chris and Devin |
Chris and his son Devin |
Donevyn on the field, #1 |
Devin, Camden and Alex |
Isaac and Parris
Isaac was eating a snow cone and apparently unable to smile. |
Alex, Isaac and Nana |
Cam with his Smurf blue tongue! |
Alex with his I-don't-know-what-color tongue! |
The little ones swimming: Alex, Devin and Camden |
Relaxing in the fish float |
Devin with his puddle jumper float |
my big boy with his ring |
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