Monday, May 28, 2012

Road Trip - Part One

On Saturday morning we hit the road for Saint Louis, Missouri.  We left home about 5:00 and met C's family around 5:30 to travel together.  Since we left so early and the boys had such a busy day on Friday (they went to Nashville Shores and a Sounds game), they slept the first couple of hours.  We made it to Saint Louis at about 10:30.

I have a thing for bridges.  It's just something about their design.
Our first stop was the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. 

After the tour, we drove to the Gateway Arch to park.  Then we rode the Metrolink to Union Station.  We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe while we were there.

After we ate, we rode the Metrolink back to the Gateway Arch.

By this time, the boys were tired from all the walking and the heat.

C's Cousin took this picture for us.  Pretty neat.
 From the Arch, C. his cousin and I walked over to the Basilica of St. Louis, King of France.  It is an amazing old church.

On Sunday we went to the St. Louis Zoo and took a slight detour on the way back home.  More on that later.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A first grader and a fourth grader!

Alex graduated from Kindergarten today.  His first year of real school has flown by.  I wasn't sure how this year was going to go for him, but things turned out well.  Most days he was very ready to go to school.  He didn't always want to do his homework or study his sight words, but his year ended on a good note.  He knows all of his sight words, letters and the sounds they make and color words.  I think he is going to do well in first grade.  Our goal this summer is to keep working on his sight words to make sure he still remembers them when school starts back in eight weeks.  The boys will start back to school earlier than they ever have, on August 1.  This summer is going to fly by!  Isaac ended the year great as well.  He has done well this year and hasn't really struggled with anything.  His behavior has been good for the most part, and he has done well academically as well.  I hope this is a sign of things to come.  He has become so independent and can do most of his homework on his own.  All we have to do most of the time is just check to make sure his work is correct before he turns it in.  His end of the year project after TCAP tests was to write and illustrate an autobiography.  We had to help with the beginning of it, from his birth through the first two years, but the rest of it was up to him.  He did a great job with it.  He presented the book to us at his garden party.  It was very convenient that Isaac's garden party was the same day as Alex's graduation.

he was looking for us

he found us!

singing his songs

my parents weren't able to come since my mother wasn't feeling well.  C's aunt and dad came though, and Alex was so excited.  I wasn't able to get a picture of Alex with his Pops before he had to leave.

at Isaac's garden party

enjoying his ice cream

messy ice cream face and a missing tooth that he lost the day before Graduation

I can hardly believe that next year we'll be going to another graduation as Isaac graduates from the fourth grade.  We officially have a first grader and a fourth grader!  Wow!  Time flies!

So, it is officially summer.  The boys are going to Nashville Shores on Friday with their Nana and cousins, and then Saturday we are leaving for Saint Louis for a quick weekend trip.

Monday, May 21, 2012

On Fire

Last Saturday night my mother and I were supposed to go see Miranda Lambert at Bridgestone Arena for her On Fire tour.  Unfortunately, my mother was too sick to go with me.  I know she was disappointed that she wasn't feeling well enough to go, and so was I.  C's cousin, Sandi ended up going with me, and we had a great time!

Here are pictures from the show

Tonight my mother is still not feeling well, so my prayer is that the doctors can figure out what is making her so sick and that they fix it quickly.