Thursday, June 4, 2009

7 things about me

Katie tagged me to write seven things about me. So here it goes...

1. I am definitely a type A personality that likes to have a to-do list and plan everything to the smallest detail. It drives my husband crazy.

2. I have lived in Nashville or within 30 miles of it for my entire life.

3. I am an only child and wished often when I was younger that I wasn't. Now that I have two children, I know why I am an only child. Just kidding! My boys are great, and I wouldn't trade either of them for anything in the world.

4. I met my husband right before I turned 18 (almost 12 years ago), and he and I have been married 7 years.

5. I really miss my Grandmother still. Every now and then I'll have a flash of memory of something she and I did when I was younger, and it makes me happy and sad in the same moment.

6. I love and appreciate my parents so much and I will never be able to thank them enough for all they've done for me.

7. I went to elementary school in public school and middle, high, and college at private schools.

My list is not incredibly enlightening, but it's a little about me!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Random things and pictures

Well, it is officially summertime! I took off work Isaac's last two days of school as he only had to go half a day (really 2 1/2 hours). While Alex and I waited for Isaac to be dismissed, we went to Centennial Park to play.

Last week while Clarence was downtown, he got in a wreck while the boys were in the truck with him. Everything ended up being ok, and now we are just waiting for the responsible party's insurance to make sure his truck gets repaired.

This weekend I noticed that I have quite a few lilies that are blooming, so I decided to take a few pictures.

I love catching a genuine smile on camera!