Sunday, August 29, 2010

This weekend...

This weekend Isaac decided that he wanted to mow the grass. So, with his Daddy's supervision, he did (part of it... until he got tired!). The first step was to prime the engine. So, he pushed the little red button 3 times. Then after a serious warning about the lawn mower and what makes it work...Isaac was ready to begin. Clarence made sure to show Isaac the blades underneath the lawn mower so he would see what was cutting the grass.

priming the engine

After Isaac's first cut across the yard, Clarence explained to him where to keep the wheels to make sure he cut a straight line. He ended up getting a little distracted and didn't exactly cut a straight line.

cutting the grass
Today Grammy and Grampy brought Lucas over to play with the boys. After we cleaned up the mess in Alex's room, the boys decided to get the play-doh out. Grammy decided to play with the boys too.


Isaac and Lucas

the little play-doh doggie that Grammy made for Isaac

Friday, August 27, 2010


Two weeks ago I started a new job within the company I work for. I am now at the Corporate office, and things are going well so far! To celebrate the new opportunity, some friends and I went out for Mexican and drinks. It was lots of fun!

Heather, Leah and Amy

Heather accepted a new position this week and will be starting her new job in a couple of weeks. That definitely calls for another night of celebration!

Kelli and me

Kelli, Amy and myself... I don't think Amy can be serious.... ever.... :)

She also recently accepted a new job opportunity. I guess it's the season of change among this circle of friends!

One night a couple of weekends ago Clarence prepared dinner for his side of the family. The boys wanted to take part in the preparations. So, here is Isaac peeling some potatoes.

and Alex peeling some too

So far in school, the only grades Isaac has received have been based on whether his work was satisfactory or not. Today we received his first graded papers with "real" grades! And I have to say I am very proud of this one! And I'm looking forward to many more!

And one more change... I decided since I haven't had my hair really cut since November, it was time for a new hairdo! Heather trimmed it for me a few weeks ago, and I thought that would hold me for a while, but I just couldn't resist the urge for something new!

You like?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to school!

Well, the time has come! Summer is officially over. Isaac started the second grade today. He didn't give me much trouble getting up this morning and got dressed fairly quickly (quicker than normal actually...). Before we left for me to take him to school and meet his teacher, I wanted to take a couple of pictures of him all dressed with his new shoes and backpack. Well, Isaac didn't want to smile that early in the morning apparently, so I got a semi-decent picture. Once we got to school and found out who his new teacher is, he took the lead and found his new classroom. On the way, he saw his first grade teacher, Mrs. Guisinger, and gave her a big hug. We found his new teacher, Mrs. Nelson and her classroom. Once we got there, she asked him to find the desk with his name on it and of course he had no problem at all doing that! In the process, however, he saw on the other name tags that one of his favorite friends from our neighborhood is going to be in his class. He was super excited! Here are some pictures from this morning... I am looking forward to a great year!

this morning before school... acting too cool to look at the camera

At his new desk

His cute teacher, Mrs. Nelson