Monday, December 1, 2008

Pictures and A Gingerbread House Disaster

"It's the most wonderful time of the year..." Yey! Christmas is just around the corner. In the spirit of the Season, we have made a couple of trips to have Christmas portraits taken. We took the boys to have pictures for our Christmas cards, and for us. Then C's family wanted the boys to have their pictures made with the cousins... So we've been to Portrait Innovations three times in about a month! The boys have done an exceptional job considering how many times they've had to say, "cheese"! Here some pictures from the first two photo sessions.

Saturday night we decided to make a gingerbread house. Well.... at least we tried to.... Unfortunately, we failed to read the directions until most of the way through decorating it. Apparently, this is what happens when you don't wait 15 minutes to add the candy...

We still had fun though... the boys enjoyed eating the candy and icing. I guess that's what truly matters anyway, right?!

In other news, Alex is officially potty-trained! YEY ALEX! I guess he decided that 3 year olds don't need diapers, and boy, are we glad!

Alex showing me his big boy underwear. And yes, he dressed himself... pjs, shoes and a hat...just to hang out at home.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you are mostly finished with your Christmas shopping! Christmas will be here before we know it!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Alex!

Alex's 3rd birthday was on Monday. My, how time flies! I can't believe my baby is 3! We celebrated his birthday with a party at my parents' house on Saturday. We had fun with friends and family playing outside and enjoying some good food and cake. All the children seemed to have a good time outside despite the cooler temperature. On Monday, we spent the day with Alex (I took off work). After taking Isaac to school, we went to Krispy Kreme to enjoy some donuts. We had a chance to take Alex to the park to get some pictures of him, and a few of them turned out pretty well.

These are a few of the ones we took at the park.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

We took the boys Trick or Treating on Friday night, and for us that means a trip around Nashville. We started at C's Dad's house to go trick or treating with the cousins. Then it was on to my parents' house for a few houses. Then to C's aunt and uncle's neighborhood... one of the rare few that still gives out candy and decorates their homes. The boys had a great time going down their street. Then finally, we stopped by C's mother's house for some late night pizza and a little more candy. It was a fun filled night!

Isaac and Alex - Iron Man and Batman

Isaac, Devin, Jaylen, Alex and Camden

Lucas, the blue Power Ranger

Then yesterday we celebrated my cousin Paul's 50th birthday! He's a Halloween boy, but celebrated last night. Several people dressed up, and I think a good time was had by all.

Paul's 3 Witches (Katie, Donna, and Angela)

Bonnie and Clyde (Paul and his girlfriend)

The birthday boy (in the middle)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Snodgrass-King Pediatric Dentistry!!

Where were they when I was growing up?! Isaac and Alex had their first dentist appointments last Friday. Both of them did exceptionally well! C and I were very proud of them! Neither of them had cavities which was something I was a little concerned with for Isaac since he had not been to the dentist before Friday. Isaac had x-rays done and he was so excited to look at the pictures of his teeth. I learned that he still has 6 year and 12 molars to come in. This was rather interesting for me as I didn't realize he still has more teeth to come in. Alex didn't have any x-rays this time because he's 2 and they don't do them until age 4. I was very pleased with the care they received from Dr. Snodgrass, so we will definitely be going back in April for their 6 month checkup!

waiting patiently for his x-rays

still waiting

doing a great job sitting still

more x-rays

the only picture I got of Alex having his teeth cleaned

Isaac having his teeth cleaned

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Parties, Snaggle-Tooth, and a Superhero

The past few days have been really busy! The boys went to two birthday parties last weekend, and had a great time at both! Happy Birthday Lucas and Katherine!

Isaac lost his second tooth this week. Well, I actually helped him out a little... I pulled it before he went to school. The last time he had loose tooth, we let it go thinking he would notice when it came out... Well, he didn't, and we think he swallowed it. So, this time when we noticed his tooth was loose, I monitored it more closely. I noticed yesterday morning that it was too loose for him to go to school without me pulling it. So, after a little twisting and pulling, it came out. Isaac was so excited!! Of course the tooth fairy came last night, and he was super excited this morning to see what she left under his pillow!

Alex absolutely loves Batman (and any superhero really...) so I just had to get a picture of this...
Here are some pictures I took at Nothing But Fun Day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Camden!

So it's a few days late... who's counting! My youngest nephew, Camden celebrated his 1st birthday (September 26) with a party on September 27th. It was a great time for all.

It was hot that day, but the pool wasn't... C was the only adult to brave the cold water!
Isaac finally decided that the water was too cold
The birthday boy with his mom Kim

Waiting for cake

Jaylen, Camden, Devin (back to the camera), Parris

You want some cake?
Playing with his new toys

Uncle Chris and his son Devin

The Incredible wait, that's Isaac!

Batman too... aka Alex