Saturday, April 24, 2010

Flashback Saturday Night

With not much to do this Saturday night, I decided to declare it Flashback Saturday Night. So, here are some oldies but goodies of my boys. Memories... Time flies WAY too fast!

My Isaac Hayden the day he was born 8 lbs 8 oz

And, my Alex Avery the day he was born 8 lbs 9 oz

Alex 4 months, Isaac 2 1/2

Alex 7 months

Alex 7 months and learning to sit up

Isaac 4 months

Alex's first Christmas

Pops and Isaac on Isaac's first Christmas

Isaac in the summer of 2004

Alex 14 months

Alex 14 months with an Oreo cookie face

Isaac 14 months

Alex 2 years old

Isaac 2 years old

Isaac 2 years old

Isaac 3 years old

Alex 3 years old

Isaac 4 years old

Isaac 5 years old

Isaac 6 years old

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Today is Clarence and my anniversary! We have been married eight years, but we met way back in 1997 and have been together since. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband. Not only is he a caring and compassionate husband, but he is an awesome father who has done so much to take care of our boys. We all love him very much and are so thankful for him!

I don't have any digital pictures from our wedding, but I may try to scan one to post. But just so this post has some pictures, here are the pictures that Alex had taken at school. They are great, but since we just had pictures taken of the boys before Easter, I haven't purchased any just yet. These are proofs of course, so that is stamped all over the picture. But, you can still see how cute Alex is! :)

Mr. Wall Street Journal

And the Little League Star

And, Granddaddy and Daddy's fishing buddy

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why I Walk

As soon as I really became aware of the March of Dimes and what they do, I have tried to do everything I can to support them. Being a mother of two healthy boys I can't really imagine everything that the March of Dimes can do to help sick babies. But, I have had friends who unfortunately have had premature babies and I am thankful that the efforts of the March of Dimes have helped them. I will continue to support the March of Dimes as long as I am able, because I want one day for every baby to be born healthy. Today was the 2010 March for Babies, and I am so thankful that I was able to participate. I am also thankful for my two healthy, strong sons who were able to join me in the walk. My husband didn't join me today, but he has walked several years with me, and I am so thankful for him too!

Alex being pushed by Grampy, and Isaac walking. Isaac walked the full distance! I am so proud of him!

The Memorial Garden at the end of the walk

Thursday, April 15, 2010


This post doesn't really have one topic, it's just a mixture of some of the pictures we have taken lately.

One day during Clarence's spring break from school we went to eat lunch with Isaac at school. Isaac was so excited to see us, and Alex was excited to see Isaac's school again.

After we took the boys to see How to Train Your Dragon, we found Night Fury pjs at Walmart and decided that the boys would like to have a pair. Especially since they have hooded capes! This picture is of Alex playing in his pjs outside.

And Isaac watching t.v. in his and being silly for the camera!

A close up of Isaac

The boys got bubbles for Easter from Nana and Pops. Alex decided that he wanted to spill his all over my flip flops, his hands and the concrete. Great.

Playing with it on his hands...

The concrete where he spilled it... And, no I didn't take a picture of my flip flops. I was too irritated about that!

Here he is trying to wash all the bubbles off his hands.

Every spring I love to watch all our flowers bloom again. Here are some pictures of our first tulips.

Of course my mischievious Alex thought it would be a good idea to pick a couple of these and bring them in the house to me! So, here is one of them that I put in water.

My first iris this year

And the blooms on one of our trees in the back yard

And to end this post I just have to include something funny that Alex said tonight. He has been telling Clarence and me that he wants a black IronMan (don't even know if there is one to be purchased) and that he wants to go to ToysBeUs (ToysRUs) to get it! He is so punny (Alex speak for funny)!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Isaac!

On Saturday we celebrated Isaac's 7th birthday. He had a soccer game right in the middle of the afternoon so we invited family and friends to join us for the game. Isaac played his best soccer game yet! We're not sure if it was because it was his birthday or because the game time was so late in the day. Either way, we are very proud of the way he played. After his soccer game we took him bowling. A couple of friends and cousins joined us and a great time was had by all. We didn't get any really good pictures because it was family cosmic bowling that afternoon and the lighting wasn't very good. After bowling we went to my parents' house for cake, ice cream and presents.

Isaac's birthday cake from Publix
(They have the best cakes if you ask me)

Isaac was really excited about his Bakugan cake. He LOVES anything Bakugan!

I bought the Bakugan kit to go on top of his cake because Publix doesn't make a Bakugan cake. Well, I gave them directions on how I wanted "Happy Birthday Isaac" written on his cake, and THIS was NOT it. Isaac didn't care, but I was a little irritated to say the least!

After cake, Isaac opened his gifts.

Reading his birthday card from Steve, Kelli, Austin and Aiden. This is the first year he has read the card on his own! We're so proud of him!

Opening the Tiger Moth books that my parents got for Isaac. He started checking these books out from the library at school and asked that he get his own for his birthday. He was very excited!

Of course he loved getting this DVD. Who doesn't love the Chipmunks and the Chipettes?

And this was Isaac's favorite Bakugan gift, a guantlet from Steve, Kelli, Austin and Aiden. He loves it! This is also the only picture I got of the Wii Fit Plus that Isaac got from his Grammy and Grampy. He enjoys playing the balance games like cycling and skateboarding.

Isaac still wearing his Bakugan gauntlet hours after his birthday party

Alex playing the Wii Fit Plus

Finally, worn out!

Isaac finally fell asleep too, after he ate a chocolate Easter bunny!
We had a great time celebrating Isaac's birthday! We also enjoyed the wonderful Spring weather! Stay tuned for some of the other pictures I took this weekend. The signs of Spring are everywhere!