Tuesday, May 28, 2013

first and last

Isaac has six games left in his first season of baseball.  He has played soccer for the past several years, but he decided he wanted to try baseball.  So, that's what we've been doing this spring.  He is on a fairly good team; they've won and lost almost the same number of games.  Isaac is still learning, but he has improved greatly from when he started practicing in March. 

Last Friday was his last day of elementary school.  In the county we live in, elementary school ends at the fourth grade.  It seems so strange to me that he'll be starting a new school in August.  We toured the middle school a couple of weeks ago, and he was so excited.  He is ready for middle school, and that makes this transition easier for me.  I am just so amazed that I will have a middle school child, an elementary school child, and a newborn.  Wow.

baby HLM at 33 weeks


In just a few short weeks, our lives are going to get even busier.  But thankfully, the sports will be over until winter basketball.  C decided that the boys didn't need to play soccer while we are adjusting to having a newborn again.  I was a little hesitant at first because I didn't think it was fair to the boys, but they don't seem to mind, and I am actually glad now that we won't have to juggle that along with everything else.  We are still in the process of getting our house ready to sell, and we are hoping that once we get it on the market it will sell quickly.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

49 days

I had another doctor's appointment yesterday.  I am currently 32 weeks and 4 days.  Miss HLM will be here in 49 days.  Wow.

Size of HLM:

Total Weight Gain:

4lbs since last appointment (man, she's growing!), 13 pounds total

Maternity Clothes:

Most of the time.  Still some non-maternity shirts and casual pants.




She moves all the time, but her movements have changed.  I now feel more rolls and turns than kicks and punches.

What I Miss:

Nothing.  I am trying to enjoy every little thing, even the discomforts, since this will be our last pregnancy.


Anything cold: Frozen lemonade, Frozen Coke, Slushes from Sonic


Still significant swelling in my hands, ankles and feet.  Pretty bad carpal tunnel in both hands now.

Best Moment of the Week:

Finishing up all the shopping for HLM after my last baby shower.  And, scheduling her delivery.

What I'm Looking Forward To:

Putting her travel system and play yard together and installing the car seat bases.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

hlm - thirty one weeks

Size of HLM:
Total Weight Gain:
2 lbs since last appointment, 9 lbs total
Maternity Clothes:
Yep, most of the time
She moves all the time, and I love it!
What I Miss:
Still nothing. :)
Lemonade and Frozen Coke (but I only indulge with one every now and then...)
Carpal tunnel pain in both wrists and hands now and swelling in ankles and feet.
Best Moment of the Week:
Both of the boys getting feel their little sister have the hiccups, and celebrating our baby girl with friends and family at two baby showers.
What I'm Looking Forward to:
My next doctor's appointment in less than two weeks.  I can hardly believe I'm already to that point!  She'll be here before we know it!
We decided not to do the 3D/4D ultrasound. We didn't do it with either of the boys, and there are better things to spend that money on anyway.