This year we celebrated Christmas a little differently than we have in the past, but sort of the same too. When the boys were little we used to have Christmas Eve breakfast at our house with Clarence's dad and his family. This year we decided to go back to that tradition, and we may do it again next year. It was nice to have time to visit with his family that morning and then also have time to spend time with our friends. Christmas Day our children opened their presents from Santa. Heidi was a lot more interested in opening her presents than I thought she would have been. She was very interested in ripping the paper off of the presents. After that, the boys opened their presents from each other. This is the first year the boys have had to buy presents for each other. I think it was a good idea. It taught them to think about each other and not just themselves. The boys then had a few gifts to open from their daddy and I. We really tried to downscale Christmas this year, and I think the boys noticed, but they didn't seem to mind. After gifts at our house, we went to my parents' house to open gifts there. We had a nice breakfast and the boys, Heidi, C and I all opened presents from my parents. We wrapped up Christmas fairly quickly on Christmas day since C had to work on Christmas night. We had a nice Christmas and hopefully by next Christmas we will be celebrating in a new home.

the only picture I took of Christmas Eve with C's family |
Christmas Eve with Kelli and Steve |
Christmas Eve with Kelli and Steve |
Opening her gifts from Santa |
her favorite gift, Sophie the teething giraffe |
Planes toys from Santa
MLB2K13 that he had been asking for for a long time |
A Minecraft sword |
Christmas Day at Granny and Granddaddy's |
This was the second year in a row that Isaac asked for this book |
Heidi went for her six month checkup on Thursday. I can hardly believe my baby girl, that I honestly thought I would never have, has already celebrated her half birthday! She is such a joy to her daddy, her brothers and I. She is a very happy baby and gives a smile to everyone she meets. She is sitting on her own, rolling back and forth, scooting across the floor, jabbering all the time (especially when we're trying to watch tv), and she loves food. It's not just baby food that she loves either, she will eat anything you feed her. If she had any teeth, I don't think you could stop her from eating anything she could get her hands on.
Happy Half Birthday |
At her 6 month check-up |
Her stats: 15 pounds 9 ounces and 25 1/4 inches inches length
Isaac's stats at 6 months: 19 pounds 4 ounces and 26 1/2 inches in length
Alex's stats at 6 months: 17 pounds 7 ounces and 27 1/2 inches in length