Thursday, June 4, 2009

7 things about me

Katie tagged me to write seven things about me. So here it goes...

1. I am definitely a type A personality that likes to have a to-do list and plan everything to the smallest detail. It drives my husband crazy.

2. I have lived in Nashville or within 30 miles of it for my entire life.

3. I am an only child and wished often when I was younger that I wasn't. Now that I have two children, I know why I am an only child. Just kidding! My boys are great, and I wouldn't trade either of them for anything in the world.

4. I met my husband right before I turned 18 (almost 12 years ago), and he and I have been married 7 years.

5. I really miss my Grandmother still. Every now and then I'll have a flash of memory of something she and I did when I was younger, and it makes me happy and sad in the same moment.

6. I love and appreciate my parents so much and I will never be able to thank them enough for all they've done for me.

7. I went to elementary school in public school and middle, high, and college at private schools.

My list is not incredibly enlightening, but it's a little about me!

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