Monday was Alex's first day of preschool. We had planned on waiting until Clarence graduated and found a job, but we were sort of forced to make a change sooner. Alex's babysitter since he was a baby was reported to the State by a very vindictive person. Because of this, we and several other of her parents had to find other child care options. Please don't think that she has done anything wrong. She took excellent care of both of our boys, and she will do whatever it takes to be in compliance with the State's requirements.
Anyway... Alex's first day of preschool was Monday. I wasn't sure how Alex would react as he has never been in a structured child care environment before. When I dropped him off on Monday, he was so excited and ready to see what all he could get into. There were no tears when I left so I really hoped that he would have a good day. And... When I picked him up that evening he was so excited to see me and to tell me all about his day! He had a great time and said he was ready to go back the next day. All of the teachers that have interacted with Alex so far say he is doing a fantastic job, and that you would never think that he hasn't been in a daycare center before now. I am so relieved, and I look forward to seeing what he learns for the rest of this school year.

So happy to be at his new school

Playing in the sand table. We visited the center last Friday, and Alex talked about this table all weekend long. So he was very excited to get to play with it.