Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

This year we celebrated Father's Day all weekend. Yesterday my parents came over for dinner and cake so we could celebrate Father's Day with my daddy. The boys told me earlier in the week that they wanted to get their daddy an ice cream cake for Father's day. So, that's what I did. I decided to pick it up yesterday so we could share it with my parents.

the cake

my daddy with his grandsons
Today we went to Clarence's Nanny and Papaw's to eat grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. Man, was it hot! The boys rode their bicycles while I tried not to melt in the shade. We also picked up the newest member of our family...his name is Willy, and he is one of Ginger and Goliath's puppies. We gave Willy to Nanny and Papaw when he was a puppy, and now he's joining our family again. I will post pictures of Ginger, Goliath and their son, Willy, after we have them all groomed. They don't have their summer haircuts yet!
After we got home I decided that I needed to get a picture of Clarence and his boys on Father's Day. So, here are a couple...

I love this picture!

...and this one. This shows the true nature of the relationship between these boys and their daddy. Always being silly and loving being with their daddy. I am so thankful for their relationship, and I hope it never changes!

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