Last weekend we took Isaac to get his first pair of glasses. His vision was tested at school before the Christmas break, and we received a referral from the school stating that he needs glasses. So, we took him to get some. He picked out the frames himself and has worn them almost all day everyday since! His first day at school with them was a little tricky because he was worried that the children were going to make fun of them. I called Isaac's teacher after I dropped him off at school that morning to tell her how Isaac was feeling. She thanked me for calling her and said that she would talk to Isaac. I emailed her a couple of hours later to check on him, and she said he was doing great with them. She said she and the class encouraged him and told him how cool they are. It's amazing how hearing from someone else, the same thing his mother said, really sinks in! I am so excited for Isaac because now he says he can see so much better! Isaac has always made good grades, and now his Daddy and I are wondering if his grades will improve even more now that he can actually see what's on the board in the classroom!

my boy...growing up too fast

a close up of the cool frames he picked out
On Wednesday of this week we got another snow storm here in Nashville. Thankfully Isaac was dismissed from school early and I was able to get him and Alex and get home before all the snow started. The evening's snow was the main story on our local news, and they were reporting that it was taking hours for people to get home. I am so glad I wasn't stuck in the traffic! It was so cold that all the preparations to melt the snow just didn't work. It didn't help either that the snow was coming down so heavily and quickly. Due to the snow, the boys, Clarence and I all stayed home yesterday. Thankfully I have the capability to work from home, so I was still able to get a lot accomplished. Clarence worked on cleaning the house, and the boys... well, they helped mess up what he cleaned up. As usual!
Here is a picture of the mess that Alex made before he fell asleep. I guess it's hard, tiring work to make such a big mess!

And, since my new favorite song is by this group, Clarence bought me this CD today. I love that man! :)

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