Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chuck E's again and a young carpenter

This weekend we helped the Carons celebrate Aiden's 6th birthday at Chuck E Cheese. Two weekends in a row is enough to last us for a few months! :) The boys had a great time though, and that's all that matters!

the birthday boy!

Aiden and his really yummy birthday cookie - yep, a cookie! It was so good!

After Chuck E Cheese, we went to my parents' house so Grandaddy could show Alex how to use his new tools and to give him some scraps to work with.

Alex sound asleep on the way to granny and grandaddy's house
Isaac wanted to be a part of it too, so he decided to try out Alex's saw. It was hard work!

Alex trying out his screw driver

Daddy showing Alex how to use Grandaddy's power screw driver
We had a great weekend! Today we've done nothing but stay home! One more week and then the boys and I will be home a few days for Spring Break!

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