Today was the boys' first day of school. They only went half a day, so I took the day off work. Our morning started off well. The boys didn't give me too much trouble getting up. Alex woke up about 1:30 this morning complaining of a tummy ache. The first thought that popped into my mind was, "oh no, not on his first day of Kindergarten!" I gave him some Pepto and told him he could get in the bed with us. It came to mind that he might be nervous about his first day of Kindergarten... not sure about that though. He was feeling fine this morning, regardless. So after I got them up and they got dressed we actually had several minutes to sit around before we left for school. Our mayor encourages all parents to take their children to school on the first day, so that's what I did. We got to school about 7:30, and the boys and I lugged in all of their school supplies along with their backpacks. One parent asked me if I had bought the whole store (because the bag I had was one of those big Target ones like you get at Christmastime, full of supplies), I felt like I had as heavy as the bag was. But, I try to accommodate all of the teachers' requests, because I feel like it's the right thing to do. Anyway, when we got to school, we went to Alex's class first. His supply list was the longest and bag the heaviest. I was feeling most nervous about this moment. Anyone who knows my Alex knows that you never know what to expect with him. I wasn't sure if he would be excited like he said he was, or if he would completely melt down when I went to leave. Thankfully, he was still very excited, and didn't care a thing about me and his brother leaving him. As soon as he got to his classroom, he remembered where his locker was and went immediately to put his backpack in it. He was so proud and excited. I took a quick picture of him and his teacher, Mrs. Tomes, and then Isaac and I walked to his room. I was so relieved! My big boy walked into Kindergarten full of confidence! Makes this Momma's heart proud too!
Isaac remembered exactly how to get to his classroom and went straight to his desk to start on the busy work his teacher had laid out. I left his school supplies and then got a quick picture of him and Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Allen told me that her children weren't much older than Isaac when they wouldn't let her take pictures with their teachers anymore on the first day of school. She jokingly said this will probably be the last year he'll let me get away with it. I hope she's not right! I like those first day of school with the teacher pictures... :)
While I took the boys to school this morning, I let them ride the bus home since I was there. I told Isaac that he needed to sit with his brother and make sure that he did not get off the bus without Alex. And he listened! I was waiting outside when the bus got home, and when it stopped in front of our house, Isaac got off first, and Alex came following right behind him. They came running to the house and exclaimed how great their first day at school was. I am so glad they had a great first day, and I hope it is just a preface to a great school year!
my big Kindergartener |
my big 3rd grader |
brothers |
all my men: big and little |
Momma and her boys |
backpacks on, ready to go |
another backpack shot |
Isaac just had to have a sling backpack, and Alex loves Transformers. His backpack is reversible, so he can display Bumblebee or Optimus. Pretty cool. |
Alex and his teacher, Mrs. Tomes. Her room is decorated like the ocean. And another interesting fact: her husband also teaches at the boys' school. |
Isaac and Mrs. Allen |
Running from the bus to the house |
Also running from the bus to the house and watching his friends go to their house
So, I would say the first day of school was definitely a success. It has been a great day! |