6:50 - Got the boys up for school. We are running late as the bus usually comes right about 7:30...
7:25 - Boys are up and dressed, trying eat their Cheerios before the bus arrives.
7:28 - They are still inside getting their backpacks on and I hear the bus outside. So, I rush them out the door knocking Alex down and spilling Cheerios in the process. But, the boys made it to the bus as I am handing Isaac his glasses so he doesn't forget them.
7:35 - I leave for work
4:50 - I leave work to pick the boys up from aftercare.
5:35 - I have the boys and we are headed to pick up Isaac's Nintendo DS charger that he left at our friends' house over the weekend.
6:00ish - We arrive at our friends' house and the boys start playing.
6:45ish - We leave and head home to start dinner/homework/baths/a little tv time/teethbrushing
The next few things are a blur as far as the time frame. So, I'll summarize... We walked in the door and I decided what to have for dinner. Thank goodness for Schwan's Home Delivery, because they have made dinner so much easier. I put the Angus Meatloaf patties in the oven to cook. Then I started helping Alex with his homework. Also during this time, I dealt with Isaac's MAJOR attitude about what I'm not exactly sure. It resulted in him getting in the shower and me threatening no dinner for him. Then he straightened up. When dinner was ready, the boys and I ate together and tried to start watching Spooky Buddies (we didn't get far on that). When I finished eating dinner and the boys were finishing up, I put chocolate chip cookies (also from Schwan's) in the oven for dessert. When Alex finished his dinner, (he's almost always last), I gave him a quick shower. Then I decided since it's Wednesday, I need to wash some clothes to be sure C has clean ones for work. During that time, the timer for the oven went off, so I had to quickly retrieve the cookies from the oven so they didn't burn. Mission accomplished, the cookies were great! I had one as I was telling the boys it was time to go to bed. But, not before Alex had an ice cream pop and Isaac had 2 chocolate chip cookies. Also while they were watching Spooky Buddies and eating their dessert, I prepared their lunch money for tomorrow and put it in their backpacks. Finally, after the desserts, we stopped the Spooky Buddies DVD, after I promised they could resume it tomorrow, and went to brush teeth and get in the bed. Whew! Are you tired yet? After the boys got in bed, I returned a phone call and then decided I needed to document this day. So, here we are.
Before I can go to bed I have to put clothes in the dryer, clean up the kitchen and then hopefully stay awake until my hubby gets home. What a day. Tomorrow will be a nice change of pace though. It is HCA Community Day and I will be volunteering with Love Helps. It is local nonprofit organization that works in our public schools to encourage student achievement and responsible behavior. I am really looking forward to it.
It is now 8:58. My day summed up in 17 minutes... Not bad.

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