This past week was my boys' Spring break from school. C took off one day to keep the boys and I took two off. On Thursday night, the boys' cousins, Jay and Cam came over to spend the night. The boys had a great time playing video games and watching dvds. On Friday morning, I took the four of them to see The Lorax, and they all enjoyed it. On Saturday, the boys had soccer games, and we celebrated Isaac's 9th birthday with a party at Pump It Up. We had a very busy Saturday, but it was a great day! I'll post pictures from the party tomorrow, on Isaac's actual birthday.
On Sunday, the Easter bunny came and filled the boys' baskets with goodies. Sunday afternoon we went to C's Papaw's house for an Easter egg hunt and lunch. My parents joined us there, so it was really nice to get to spend time with his family and mine at the same place.
cutie pie Logan |
Papaw and the boys |
one of our two newest additions, Sammy |
our other new addition, Sweetie |
Alex and Daddy working in the yard |
Alex and I sitting in the grass |
As Spring break comes to an end, I remember what I was doing on this date nine years ago. I was very uncomfortably pregnant and on bed rest. I had an appointment with my doctor the next day, and I was really hoping that we would get to meet Isaac after that appointment. In fact, I was quite determined that we would. I had my bag packed and told C that I wasn't coming home after my appointment without a baby. It's a good thing my doctor agreed, because late the next day, Isaac was finally here. Though he was technically about a week and a half early, it felt like his arrival didn't come quickly enough. I am so thankful all these years later for my handsome, intelligent, stubborn and loving son. I love the way he loves his brother, and even that he's opinionated enough to fight with his brother. I love how he loves his family and enjoys spending time with his grandparents and cousins. I am proud of how smart he is and that he enjoys learning. I love that he looks more and more like my daddy when he was younger. I love his hugs and kisses, especially since I know in the next few years I'll probably get much fewer than I do now. I am so thankful for digital cameras that are helping me capture all the moments of our lives. They will be treasures for years to come.