Saturday, January 26, 2013

6 more to go

I haven't officially posted this or announced it anywhere, but we're expecting another baby in July.  We were surprised to find out that I am, in fact, pregnant again.  After going through positive pregnancy tests, and nothing on the ultrasound screen, we were beginning to think that our two boys would be our only two children.  And, that would have been ok; I had come to the realization that having two healthy boys was quite a blessing in itself.  Just when I had quit thinking about it all the time, we saw another positive pregnancy test.  I was skeptical until our first ultrasound, and I was so relieved to see a heartbeat on the ultrasound screen.  We had another ultrasound at 12 weeks because my doc couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler.  It was amazing to see how much our little had grown in just 4 weeks.  We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, and it was just as awesome as hearing Isaac's for the first time 10 years ago.  We went for my 16 week check-up yesterday, and everything sounded good.  Another listen at our little's strong heartbeat.  My worry has started to subside, and the excitement of welcoming another child into our family is taking over.  We will find out in 4 weeks whether our little is a boy or girl.  The boys, and most of our family, I think, want this little to be a girl.  Above all though, we want this to be a healthy baby, regardless.  I had quite a bit of nausea the first 12 weeks, but that is gone for the most part now, and I feel good.  The boys were so excited to find out that they are going to have a little brother or sister, and Isaac asks me questions all the time.  The best one so far has been, "Mom, is your stomach just going to keep getting bigger everyday?".  This third baby has definitely made my stomach grow faster.  But, so far, no weight gained.

A few weeks ago we went to D & B's for the first time to celebrate Aunt B's fiance's birthday.  The boys had a great time, even though the place was really crowded.

Isaac's basketball skills have really been improving.  It is so much fun to watch his team play.  They are getting into a rhythm of playing together.  The season has 3 more games, and then his first season at baseball will start up.  He went to the batting cage with his Aunt B, who played college softball, and she gave him first lesson in batting.  He did so well and listened to what she taught him.  I can't wait to see him play.

Alex wants to play spring soccer, but I just don't think we'll be able to do it with Isaac playing baseball.  He will have so many games, and the soccer fields aren't anywhere near where Isaac will be playing.  So, he agreed that he could wait until fall to play soccer when Isaac plays soccer.
Last weekend, my mother and I traveled to Huntsville, Alabama for the Dirt Road Diaries tour with Florida Georgia Line, Thompson Square and Luke Bryan.  The drive was quick and easy, and the show was awesome.  It was so much fun to spend time with my mother.  I really enjoy going to concerts with her.  Our next one to look forward to is CMA Fest in June.  Although I'll be 35 weeks pregnant by then, I am still really looking forward it.

Coming up in the next few weeks are a MTSU men's basketball game, baseball evaluations, and the beginning of the baseball season.  Things are going to stay busy right up until our little arrives in July.  And, I'm so glad; it wouldn't be our life if it wasn't busy.

1 comment:

The Benders said...


Leanne (Jablonski) Bender