Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Heidi months 8 and 9

Over the past two months Heidi has gone from crawling to walking.  It is amazing to me how quickly she has developed in her mobility.  She weighed almost 19 pounds at her 9 month check up.  She measured 26 inches in height.  She is now taking 4 bottles a day and eating table food almost every day.  Her daycare has started giving her table food in addition to the table food we give her at home.  In the last week we have started giving Heidi her sippy cup more often and she seems to be very comfortable with it now.  Her doctor told us that we can go ahead and introduce whole milk, so we have done that in addition to the sippy cup.  Her 3:00 bottle has now been substituted with a sippy cup of whole milk.  We will continue to substitute each bottle with a sippy cup over the next couple of months so that by the time she is a year old, she will no longer take a bottle.  This method worked with her brothers, and it seems to be working with her as well. 

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