The whole crew at Cam's party
The birthday boy!
The whole crew at Cam's party
The birthday boy!
now you see where my boys get their silliness!
Alex and Me
We wrapped up the long three-day weekend by taking the boys to see G.I. Joe. It was great, and we all enjoyed it. Well, almost all of us enjoyed almost all of it; Alex fell asleep before the end of the movie. But, his favorite part was the two ninjas: Snakeeyes and Stormshadow.
It was a great weekend, and I'm glad it's only a four day work week! Today was a great day at work though... Back last December my hours at work were cut due to the economy, but today I got them back!!! Woo hoo! Now paying for Christmas for our boys (and paying bills in general) will be much less stressful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!