We had another great Easter weekend. After the boys' soccer games on Saturday, we went to have pizza before Clarence went back to work. While we were there, the boys colored Easter pictures. Each year we set out the Easter baskets and the boys look forward to seeing on Easter morning what the Easter bunny brought them. When I was getting their baskets ready to set out this year, Alex said that he wanted to leave the Easter bunny the picture that he colored. I'm sure the Easter bunny loved it! He did a great job!

The Easter bunny took Alex's picture, and then filled the boys' baskets up!

The baskets had swimming trunks, Reese's peanut butter cups, M&Ms, a big egg filled with Willy Wonka candy, and colored bubbles.
The colored bubbles seemed like a great idea...but definitely not so much fun once they got all over everybody's clothes! :( Thankfully, they really are washable!

The boys in their new outfits the Easter bunny brought

Alex blowing his orange bubbles
After we cleaned up the colored bubbles mess, the boys changed into their new clothes that Granny and Granddaddy bought them.

Alex looking grown up

Isaac looking even more grown up!

my boys in front of Granny's rose bush
We had a busy Easter! After an egg hunt at my great Aunt Betty's house, we took my parents' boat back to their house (C cleaned it for them), and then we went to another egg hunt at Nanny and Papaw's house.

Alex hunting more eggs

Isaac getting excited about more eggs.

After the boys were finished hunting eggs, we found a surprise! A frog! He must have jumped out of the surprise egg, because it was empty!

On Sunday while Isaac was playing before the egg hunt, his glasses were broken. So, yesterday after school I took him to get new ones. Thank goodness for insurance! Here are his new frames, same frames, new design.

extreme close-up

The design
We had a busy, but good, Easter weekend. It was nice to spend time with family and see people we haven't seen in a while. I am looking forward to what I hope to be an uneventful upcoming weekend. It's only Tuesday, and I'm already exhausted! :)

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