On Saturday we celebrated Isaac's 7th birthday. He had a soccer game right in the middle of the afternoon so we invited family and friends to join us for the game. Isaac played his best soccer game yet! We're not sure if it was because it was his birthday or because the game time was so late in the day. Either way, we are very proud of the way he played. After his soccer game we took him bowling. A couple of friends and cousins joined us and a great time was had by all. We didn't get any really good pictures because it was family cosmic bowling that afternoon and the lighting wasn't very good. After bowling we went to my parents' house for cake, ice cream and presents.

Isaac's birthday cake from Publix
(They have the best cakes if you ask me)

Isaac was really excited about his Bakugan cake. He LOVES anything Bakugan!

I bought the Bakugan kit to go on top of his cake because Publix doesn't make a Bakugan cake. Well, I gave them directions on how I wanted "Happy Birthday Isaac" written on his cake, and THIS was NOT it. Isaac didn't care, but I was a little irritated to say the least!
After cake, Isaac opened his gifts.

Reading his birthday card from Steve, Kelli, Austin and Aiden. This is the first year he has read the card on his own! We're so proud of him!

Opening the Tiger Moth books that my parents got for Isaac. He started checking these books out from the library at school and asked that he get his own for his birthday. He was very excited!

Of course he loved getting this DVD. Who doesn't love the Chipmunks and the Chipettes?
And this was Isaac's favorite Bakugan gift, a guantlet from Steve, Kelli, Austin and Aiden. He loves it! This is also the only picture I got of the Wii Fit Plus that Isaac got from his Grammy and Grampy. He enjoys playing the balance games like cycling and skateboarding.

Isaac still wearing his Bakugan gauntlet hours after his birthday party

Alex playing the Wii Fit Plus

Finally, worn out!

Isaac finally fell asleep too, after he ate a chocolate Easter bunny!
We had a great time celebrating Isaac's birthday! We also enjoyed the wonderful Spring weather! Stay tuned for some of the other pictures I took this weekend. The signs of Spring are everywhere!