As soon as I really became aware of the March of Dimes and what they do, I have tried to do everything I can to support them. Being a mother of two healthy boys I can't really imagine everything that the March of Dimes can do to help sick babies. But, I have had friends who unfortunately have had premature babies and I am thankful that the efforts of the March of Dimes have helped them. I will continue to support the March of Dimes as long as I am able, because I want one day for every baby to be born healthy. Today was the 2010 March for Babies, and I am so thankful that I was able to participate. I am also thankful for my two healthy, strong sons who were able to join me in the walk. My husband didn't join me today, but he has walked several years with me, and I am so thankful for him too!
Alex being pushed by Grampy, and Isaac walking. Isaac walked the full distance! I am so proud of him!
The Memorial Garden at the end of the walk
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