Sunday, June 24, 2012


We made it back from Panama City Beach, FL yesterday.  It was an amazing week filled with fun and time with family.  This was our first vacation with C's dad, and it was great.  The boys had plenty of cousins and friends to play with.  Isaac was there a full week before us, so we were all very happy to see him on Friday night when we arrived.  We left right after work and got to the condo just after midnight.  I missed Isaac so much that I woke him up when we got there to give him a hug (it turns out he didn't remember that...He was very surprised Saturday morning when he got up and saw us sitting there!)  We spent lots of time at the beach and the pool and did a few fun activities too.  I took so many pictures, there's no way I could post them all here.  So, I'll start with just a couple from the first day.

in the courtyard at the condo

my little surfer boy

brothers that were happy to see each other

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